The University of Arizona
AGCoL SyMAP v5.0.8 Documentation Pages  
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This site will stay active indefinitely since the SyMAP pre-v5.1.0 releases reference these pages.
This download and documentation is for a SyMAP version that includes FPC maps.

*FPC (Soderlund et al. (2000) Genome Research 10:1772-1787) was written to build physical maps from fingerprinted clones, and is rarely used anymore.


C. Soderlund, M. Bomhoff, and W. Nelson (2011) SyMAP v3.4: a turnkey synteny system with application to plant genomes Nucleic Acids Research 39(10):e68 Link

C. Soderlund, W. Nelson, A. Shoemaker and A. Paterson (2006) SyMAP: A system for discovering and viewing syntenic regions of FPC maps. Genome Research 16:1159-1168. Link

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