The University of Arizona
SyMAP System Guide  
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The following discusses building a SyMAP v5 database. This document has been updated as of v5.0.7; see Release Notes for changes. For release v5.0.8, a document on trouble shooting MUMmer alignments failures has been added.


Overview and Publications

SyMAP is a system for computing, displaying, and analyzing syntenic alignments between medium-to-high divergent eukaryotic genomes. It does not work well for very similar genomes or bacterial genomes.

Its features include the following (for a pictorial introduction, see the Tour):

Find synteny between two sequenced genomes with optional annotation.
Draft sequence ordering by synteny, i.e. align a draft genome to a fully sequence (not draft-to-draft).
Find synteny between an FPC map and sequenced genome.
For multiple selected synteny pairs, display using dot plot, circular, and side-by-side.
Complete annotation-based queries with construction of cross-species gene families.


The back-end processing of SyMAP, including the synteny block and anchor filtering algorithms, is described in the following two publications. A sketch of the algorithms is also provided here.
        C. Soderlund, M. Bomhoff, and W. Nelson (2011) 
        SyMAP: A turnkey synteny system with application to plant genomes.
        Nucleic Acids Research 39(10):e68.

        C. Soderlund,  W. Nelson, A. Shoemaker and A. Paterson (2006)
        SyMAP: A System for Discovering and Viewing Syntenic Regions of FPC maps 
        Genome Research 16:1159-1168.
SyMAP is freely distributed software, however if you use SyMAP results in published research, you must cite one or both of these articles along with any external programs you used within SyMAP such as MUMmer1,2


Getting Started

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Steps for finding synteny

Follow the steps below to get started with SyMAP. Note that each SyMAP application window has a separate Help button providing further details on the use of its functions.

1. Use a Linux or Mac machine. It needs to have Java v1.8 or later, and sufficient processing power. See system requirements.
2. Set up MySQL. See MySQL.
3. Download SyMAP. Installation is a simple unzip. See installation.
4. Run the demo. Highly recommended. See running the demo.
5. Prepare sequences and annotation. Sequences can be in one or many files and can be masked or unmasked. See preparing the sequences. Annotation format is gff3; see annotation files.
6. Load the files into SyMAP. The SyMAP interface makes this easy; see creating a new project.
7. Compute alignments and synteny. This is also easy through the SyMAP interface. See runtime and memory.
8. View results. Detailed description of the user interface is in the User Guide.

If you are working with FPC files, see the section on FPC.


System Requirements

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SyMAP v5.0.6 has been tested on the following:
Centos Linux amd64MariaDB v10.4.12Java 1.8
MacOS x86_64 (Catalina 10.15.4)MySQL v8.0.17Java 17.0
MacOS x86_64 (Maverick 10.9.5)MySQL v5.6.21Java 1.8

The jar files have been compiled with Java 1.8, which is upward compatible.

For performing large alignments (e.g. 1Gb genomes or more) it is essential to have multiple CPUs, a 64-bit computer, and at least 5Gb of RAM for each CPU that you intend to use. Note that you can set the number of CPUs for SyMAP to use. See MUMmer for information on insufficient memory.

For viewing alignments, CPU and memory needs are typically negligible, unless you are performing queries on more than 4-5 genomes at once.


Installation simply consists of unzipping the download package, using the command
     > tar -xzvf symap_5.tar.gz
This can be done anywhere and creates a directory called symap_5. You can move this directory later if desired.

To run SyMAP, enter the symap_5 directory and run the command:

     > ./symap 

MUMmer1,2 (sequence alignment), Blat3 (FPC alignment) and MUSCLE7 (SyMAP Queries) are provided with the package.


Running the Demo

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If you have not used SyMAP before, it is essential to run the demos. After you have installed MySQL, do the following:

  1. Change into the symap_5 directory.

  2. Edit symap.config and enter database and host information (see MySQL), e.g. db_name=symapDemo.

  3. From the command line, type ./symap.

The first time you run SyMAP, it will create the database with information written to the terminal, e.g.

Creating database 'symapDemo' (jdbc:mysql://localhost/symapDemo?characterEncoding=utf8).

It will check your MySQL variables; if there are any "Suggested" changes, see Trouble Shoot MySQL. It will also check that the provided executables (e.g. MUMmer); if it shows any problems, see MUMmer Executables.

The Project Manager window opens showing the four demo projects provided with the SyMAP packages. Check "Demo-Seq" and "Demo-Seq2".
A link "Load All Projects" will be displayed in the top of the right panel; select it to load the projects, which will take several minutes.

If loading the "Demo-Seq" takes more than a few minutes, you may need to adjust the MySQL parameters, see TroubleShoot MySQL.

When done, the Manager will look as shown in the image on the right.

In the "Available Syntenies" table, click the cell for the "Demo_Seq2" row and the "Demo_Seq" column. Then click the "Selected Pair" button to start the alignment.


The Synteny & Alignment takes less than 5 minutes on the MacOS 10.5 but could take up to 30 minutes on a slow machine.

When done, the table will have a checkbox, signifying that the synteny is available for viewing. Click the checked cell, which will enable the viewing buttons.

Click "Summary" to view the v5 summary shown on the right; there may be slight difference in the number of anchors because the results are slightly different when run when different numbers of CPUs.

To view the other interfaces, see Demo Query.

Ordering the demo draft

The remainder of the demo relates to draft sequence, i.e. unanchored shotgun sequence.
Load the Demo-Draft project, following the same steps used to load the previous two projects.

Under the Demo-Draft listing, you will see the parameter "Order against: demo_seq2". With this setting, the Demo-Draft contigs will be ordered using synteny to Demo-Seq2.

Run the Alignment & Synteny, where the alignment should take less than 30 minutes with one CPU. When done, open the Summary for the pair, as shown on the right; there may be slight difference in the number of anchors because the results are slightly different when run when different numbers of CPUs. See the first dot plot in Demo-draft.

The ordering algorithm changes the order of the draft contigs in the database, but does not change the sequence files on disk. However, it writes the following files:

1. File of ordered contigs: It writes the order of the contigs along with whether they should be flipped to a file called /data/seq/Demo_seq2/ordering.csv.

2. Fasta files of ordered sequences: It creates sequence files from the ordered contigs that are flipped when appropriate, which are put into a new project with the suffix "_ordered", as shown on the right. The chromosome names correspond to the order-against project (e.g. Demo_seq2), and the third chromosome is 'chr0' which contains all draft sequences that were not placed.

As shown in the image on the left, a new project has been added. Click Demo_Draft-ordered and load it. Running the Alignment&Synteny between the _ordered project and Demo_seq2 will provide a more coherent display (see the second dot plot for Demo-draft).

Further demos:

  1. There is also Demo-FPC that can be aligned to Demo-Seq following the same set of steps as described above.
  2. The section on Self alignments discusses performing a demo_seq self alignment.
This is the end of the demo.


New Project

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MySQL and parameters

If your machine does not have MySQL or MariaDB, download and install it. For example, MySQL can be downloaded from On a personal MacOS, simply download the '.dmg' file and following the instructions. On a work server, the system administrator may need to install it.

The MySQL installation does not need to be on the machine where you will do the computations or view the results, as long as it is on an accessible network. Once the server is ready, fill out the database parameters in the symap.config file in the main SyMAP directory, as described below.

Important Note: The default settings of MySQL are poorly suited for large-scale data storage. You will want to adjust the parameters innodb_buffer_pool_size and innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit as described in Trouble Shoot MySQL.

Database Parameters

Parameters for accessing the MySQL database should be set in the symap.config file in the main symap directory, as follows:

Database Parameters
db_name Name of the MySQL database, which SyMAP will create when it first reads symap.config. It is standard to start the name with symap, e.g symapDemo.
db_server The machine hosting the MySQL database, e.g. If using your local machine, enter localhost.
db_adminuser MySQL username of a user with sufficient privileges to create a database. Needed for creating and updating alignments.
db_adminpasswd Password of the admin user.
db_clientuser MySQL username of a user with read-only access. This is only necessary if you want a machine to run SyMAP as read-only.
db_clientpasswd Password of the client user.

Example symap.config.

db_name             = symapDemo
db_server           = localhost
db_adminuser        = root
db_adminpasswd      = <password>
db_clientuser       = 
db_clientpasswd     = 
To use an alternative file than symap.config, use the "-c" command line argument, e.g.
>./symap -c symapTmp.config
This is useful if you have multiple SyMAP databases.

Runtime and Memory

If SyMAP runs out of memory, see Trouble Shoot. If MUMmer runs out of memory, see MUMmer.

The largest component of SyMAP execution time is in running MUMmer1,2. The time and memory for MUMmer all depends on the size of the genomes. For example, to align rice (12 chromosomes, 370Mb) to maize (10 chromosomes, 2Gb) required 1 hour and 3 minutes using 8 CPUs with 2.3Ghz speed. SyMAP used one CPU per maize chromosome to align the enter rice chromosome against each of the 10 maize chromosomes (i.e. used 10 CPUs).

The memory usage of MUMmer is typically 5G per CPU, however it can be as high as 10G for very long or repetitive chromosomes. If MUMmer fails, it is often due to insufficient memory, see the MUMmer document, which explains how to determine the problem and ways around it.


Creating a New Project

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Start symap (i.e. ./symap). All projects listed under /data/fpc are FPC projects and all projects listed under /data/seq are Sequence projects. These sub-directories of /data/fpc and /data/seq will be listed on the left panel under Projects. You may create the project as discussed in
Directory structure, or you may create a new project via the SyMAP interface.

To create a new project via the SyMAP interface, press the "Add Project" button at the lower left. Enter the project name beside "Name:"; if the project type is "fpc", change the dropdown beside "Type:". The Help button on the dialog provides further information. The following will discuss a type "sequence" project and everything is similar for the "fpc" project.


After saving the new project, it appears in the Projects list on the left, but it is still an empty shell. A directory will be made under the /data/seq, e.g. for the project added on the right, a directory will be created called /data/seq/foobar. Check its box and it will appear in the Summary section (right hand side).


For a project: Click the Parameters link to open the Parameters window shown in the image on the right.

On the Parameters window you will add the filenames for the sequences and annotations for the project, as well as setting other parameters if desired. The Help button on this window provides the necessary details.

Defaults: If the annotations are put in the sub-directory /annotations and the sequences are put in the subdirectory /sequence, it is not necessary to enter where the annotations and sequences exist, e.g. the default directories for the project foobar are as follows:


After setting the parameters, the project is ready to be loaded.

Alignment & Synteny parameters can be changed by selecting a project pair cell followed by the "Parameters" button, which brings up with window shown on the right. See the "Help" for a description of the parameters.

These parameters generally do not need to be changed.

Blat is the alignment program for FPC to Seq. The MUMmer program PROmer is the default program for sequence alignments for different genomes. The MUMmer program NUCmer is the default program for sequence self-alignments.


Sequence project

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Preparing the Sequences

The first decision with whole-genome sequence is whether to used repeat masked sequences.

Another masking option which is available if you have gene annotation is to mask out everything but the annotated genes. You can enable the "mask_all_but_genes" option on the Project's Parameters window (shown above); turn it on before doing the alignments.

Note that sequence files should be in FASTA format and the name of a sequence is the string immediately following the ">", e.g.

>Chr3  Oryza Sativa
In this example, the sequence name is "Chr3" and the Chr3 sequence follows. The additional information "Oryza Sativa" is ignored.

Three things are important in naming sequences for SyMAP:
A. Sequence names can contain only letters, numbers, and underscores.
B. The sequence names must exactly match those used in the annotation files (first column), or the annotations will not be loaded.
C. Use a consistent prefix such as "Chr" for all sequences, followed by a short number; set 'grp_prefix' to the prefix in Project's Parameters window (shown above). If there is not a consistent prefix, you may leave the 'grp_prefix' blank; beware, this can have unintended results, so should be avoided if possible.

Annotation files

Annotation files should be in gff3 format. The first column (seqid) must exactly match the sequence names in the fasta files. The third column (type) determines how SyMAP uses the entry. Types "gene", "exon", "CDS", "centromere", and "gap" are recognized (other entries are ignored). "CDS" and "exon" are treated equivalently in SyMAP.

The last column (attributes) contains "tag=value" pairs describing the annotation. You can set which attributes to use, or use all those occurring more than a certain number of times; open the Project's Parameters window (shown above), look for parameter "annot_keywords".

Important: Only the annotation on "gene" entries is shown in the displays or used for searching. For entries "exon", "CDS", "gap", and "centromere", only the coordinates from the gff file are used; the annotation text is not read.

NCBI files: A Java script (scripts/ConvertNCBI.class) has been provided that converts NCBI genome fasta files and gff annotation files into the format that works best with SyMAP. See the documentation for instructions.

Ensembl files: A Java script (scripts/ConvertEnsembl.class) has been provided that converts Ensembl genome fasta files and gff3 annotation files into the format that works best with SyMAP. See the documentation for instructions.

Draft sequence

If you are ordering the draft sequence against a closely related genome, see demo draft on how to proceed.

If you are not ordering the draft sequence, and if the draft sequence is in too many sequence pieces, then (1) it takes a long time for the MUMmer comparisons, (2) the display is very cluttered, and (3) the blocks display does not work right. Limit the number of sequence pieces by setting min_size in the parameters window to only load the largest 150 sequences; there is a script called scripts/ which will print out all the lengths; set the min_size to the 150th length. However, even 150 are a lot of blocks to view so you might want to start with the largest 50, merge them, then repeat.

Self Alignments

To perform self-synteny, select the cell for the same project followed by "Selected Pair". The "All Pairs" option does not include self-synteny.

By default, SyMAP uses the MUMmer 'nucmer' program for self-alignments. Each chromosomes is compared to every other chromosome including itself.

The Alignment & Synteny "Parameters" popup has an option to set "Self Args", which only uses the "Self Args" parameter(s) when comparing the chromosome sequence file to itself. In v4.2, the "--maxmatch" parameter was always used, but now it is up to the user as to whether they want to add it to "Self Args" (it can greatly increase the execution time).

Reasoning for using "--maxmatch": MUMmer ordinarily seeds its alignments with unique matches, which eliminates the possibility of off-diagonal seeds in the alignment of a chromosome to itself. To overcome this problem, individual chromosome self-alignments can use the MUMmer parameter -maxmatch, which removes the uniqueness requirement at the cost of greatly increased noise. The extra noise is then filtered to a large extent by the default SyMAP filters, but the diagonal squares of the dot plot will still have more noise visible than the off-diagonal.


Directory structure

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For SyMAP v5, the default location for sequence and annotation files is:

You may do one of the following:
  1. Create these sub-directories under /data/seq and put your files there.

  2. Create these sub-directories under /data/seq and use soft links to point to the file locations, e.g.
    cd data/seq
    mkdir foobar
    cd foobar
    ln -s <location of directory of sequence files> sequence
    ln -s <location of directory of annotation files> annotation
  3. Use the project parameter window to enter the location of the sequences and optional annotation.
For options 1 and 2, it is not necessary to enter the locations of the files in the parameter window since both use the default locations. Beware, executing the "Remove project from disk" (depending on location), can remove the data files also.

The file results of the alignment and synteny computations are is as follows:

The log files are in the /logs directory, see
Running MUMmer for details.

Alignments and external programs

Alignment executables

The alignment programs are provided in the symap/ext directory. There are executables for 64-bit Linux and 64-bit MacOS. SyMAP will select the correct directory for the machine you are running from, i.e. you do not need to do anything. Typically, these will work just fine; but if they do not, see

MUMmer with SyMAP details

As of SyMAP v5.0.8, all MUMmer details have been put in a separate document, see
MUMmer. This includes trouble shooting when MUMmer fails, and running MUMmer outside of SyMAP.


FPC project

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Working with FPC Files

SyMAP can also align genomes represented by an FPC physical map, by first aligning the BACs using BAC-end sequences or marker sequences. If you plan to work with FPC alignments, the first step is to run the provided demo "Demo-FPC". Align it to "Demo-Seq2" using the same steps as described above, and explore the various displays.

Creating an FPC project is the same as for a sequence project except that you choose the type "fpc", and then the Project Parameters window has some different parameters. The Parameters window is where you will enter the FPC file, and your fasta files of marker and BAC-end sequences.

Note that the BAC-end sequence names must be exactly the clone names used in FPC, with extension "r" or "f" labeling the strand. In other words, if the FPC map has a clone "a0435B26" then the BES for that clone can be named "a0435B26f" or "a0435B26r".

The BES and marker alignments in an FPC project are performed using BLAT3. The running time is typically several times longer than that of MUMmer (described here), but the memory usage is much lower.

The default locations are:

The options for sequence files under directory structure applies to FPC files using these default locations.

How SyMAP Works

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This section provides a brief overview of the SyMAP processing steps; for more, see the SyMAP published papers5,6. The processing has four phases:

The sequences are written to disk*, with gene-masking if desired. In the alignment, one species is "query" and the other is "target". If one project is FPC, that is the query; if both are sequence, the query is the one with alphabetically the first name. The query sequences are written into one large file, while smaller target sequences are grouped into larger fasta files of size up to 60Mb, for more efficient processing in MUMmer. There is an option "Concat" that if unchecked, both query sequences are treated the same as the target; this is useful if the query and target are very large genomes.

Anchor Clustering:
The raw anchor set consists of the hits found by MUMmer or BLAT. These are first clustered into gene, or putative-gene hits. This is done by clustering the hit regions on each sequence, and then defining new "gene" hits which connect these regions. For example if three separate exons hit between two genes, they will be clustered into one "gene" hit having a combined score equal to the sum of the raw hit scores. Clustering is by gene if the hits overlap annotation, otherwise, it uses a max separation 1kb, creating "putative gene" regions.

Anchor Filtering:
The clustered "gene anchors" are now filtered using a version of reciprocal-best filtering which is adapted for retaining duplications and gene families. For each pair of genes (or putative genes) which is connected by a clustered anchor, the retained anchors must be among the top two anchors by score on both sides (top-2 allows for one ancestral whole-genome duplication). An anchor will also be retained if its score is at least 80% of that of the 2nd-best anchor on each side (this allows for retention of gene family anchors). These filter parameters may be adjusted through the Alignment & Synteny Parameters window.

Synteny Block Detection:
After the clustered anchors are loaded into the database, the synteny synteny block algorithm runs. This algorithm looks for approximately-collinear sequences of anchors, subject to several parameters including (A) Number of anchors; (B) Collinearity of the anchors; (C) Amount of "noise" in the surrounding region (to help reject false-positive chains). Criterion A can be adjusted in the Alignment & Synteny Parameters window.

* Note that the sequences are re-written from the database to the disk for three reasons: (A) To allow re-grouping for efficiency; (B) To ensure elimination of invalid characters; (C) To mask non-gene regions, if desired. This also ensures that sequences names will match those in the database, and prevents problems caused by moving the source sequences on disk.


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1 Kurtz, S., Phillippy, A., Delcher, A.L., Smoot, M., Shumway, M., Antonescu, C., Salzberg, S.L. (2004) Versatile and open software for comparing large genomes, Genome Biology, 5:R12

2 Marcais, G., A.L. Delcher, A.M. Phillippy, R. Coston, S.L. Salzberg, A. Zimin (2018) MUMmer4: A fast and versatile genome alignment system, PLoS computational biology, 14(1): e1005944.

3 Kent, J. (2002) BLAT--the BLAST-like alignment tool, Genome Research 12:656-64.

4 Krzywinski, M., J. Schein, I. Birol, J. Connors, R. Gascoyne, D. Horsman, S. Jones, M. Marra (2009) Circos: An information aesthetic for comparative genomics. Genome Research doi:10.1101/gr.092759.109.

5 Soderlund, C., Nelson, W., Shoemaker, A., and Paterson, A.(2006) SyMAP: A system for discovering and viewing syntenic regions of FPC maps. Genome Res. 16:1159-1168.

6 Soderlund, C., Bomhoff, M., and Nelson, W. (2011) SyMAP: A turnkey synteny system with application to multiple large duplicated plant sequenced genomes. Nucleic Acids Res V39, issue 10, e68.

7 Edgar, R (2004) MUSCLE: a multiple sequence alignment method with reduced time and space complexity. BMC Bioinformatics 113.

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