The University of Arizona
AGCoL AW - Allele Workbench
AW (Allele Workbench) is for the analysis of allele-specific expression; see Overview. The pipeline has been tested on Linux, and the Java code (runAW and viewAW) has been tested on Linux and MacOS.

  AGCoL Pipeline.tar.gz:  Pipeline scripts, external programs, pipeline demo files
   The pipeline demo files are only available from the AGCoL website due to their size (407M).
   However, the pipeline perl scripts are available from the AW Github source.
  Github AW_1_1.tar.gz: runAW, viewAW, and the interface demo files
Documentation on Github
    Index of Docs
Heterosis study
  C. Soderlund, W. Nelson, and S. Goff. (2014) Allele Workbench: transcriptome pipeline and interactive graphics for allele specific expression. PLoS ONE
viewAW overview


This project is funded in part by National Science Foundation grants DBI-1265383 and IOS-1248090.

NSF Disclaimer: Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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